Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I look like shit in a wife-beater

Disclaimer: I know that "wife-beater" is inappropriate and my apologies go out to the offended, but if it makes you feel better, my wifey calls them "man-beaters".

Anyway, I've decided to start using my Chuck Norris home gym contraption and make my man boobs disappear. I'm turning 33 this spring & I feel like such a slob. I think I'm on the verge of a pre-midlife crisis. Fuck.


Hedy De Vine said...

do you have the bow flex system?

DJ HOMES said...

No, I really have the Chuck Norris "Home-Gym 2000" system. I was very skeptical at first, however its priced right, takes up little space, and provides a great anaerobic workout. Basically it’s a lot like me.

lesley said...

I've always been curious to try the ultimate lazy-ass workout system..that thing that allows you to "shed off the pounds" by sticking electrodes on your stomach and laying on the couch watching tv. I wonder how many of those sold...

Hedy De Vine said...

Lesley, I think those ab stimulator machines are made by the same company that made your humidifier.

Minnesota Nice said...

In England they call Stella (the beer) "wifebeater". Because apparently it makes you go home and pummel the ol' missus. Just a little trivia for ya.